hello blogger, in this post i will tell you about my JHS,
SMPN 1 Denpasar. In this school I have many moment, specially in grade 9th.
My class name was 9D. This class have 40 member, they are :
1. Kadek Adi Suryamulyawan
His name is Kadek Adi Suryamulyawan, his number absent is 1. He is a "gawat" boy. But he is very funny. His house often we use together. He's very rich :O2. Adi Wirya Jaya

We often called him "burja" (*laughing) or "didi". If he speak, he will "muncrat" :O My friends like to joking (specially mock) him. Poor didi, but 9D love you :D
3. Ardetya Putra Pinatih
Often called "Adit". His joke or speak very 'nusuk' D: 4. Arihuda Eko Prasetya
He is very black :O (*sorry,laughing :D). His voice was 'cempreng' although he is a boy!
5. Asti Indayati

She is my besties, until now! I love you astiiiiiii. She's the one of JABBE [ON]. She's very tall :O (*envy) wkwkwk :D
6. Brahmantya Murti

Often called 'Gung De'. He's very funny, he's a 'joke source' haha :D
7. Dena Sofyan

She's called Dena. Very noisy :O but i miss you girl :P haha
8. Diah Pradnya Paramitha

Called 'Tata' . Anak Gunung :D
9. Dian Noviyani

10. Dwiyana Krisna

Don't know why, he always make me angry -__-
11. Edward Bredner

One of the coolest boy in my class ;P
12. Eka Suputra Yasa

One of my besties :D 'pinter pinter bodo' :DD
13. Emawati

Our 1st ranking in my class
14. Eunike Evangelista

Called 'nike' she's voice so 'cempreng' :O
15. Oka Garbhajana

Called 'Gus Oka' , funny boy, he was sit behind me :D
16. Gita Saraswati

She was sit behind me to, with Gus Oka :D
17. Indri Widiani

Her face like want to cry D:
18. Julia Praanggreni

Our homework source :D
19. Liestyani Adista

Her besties : Ndos, Veby hehe
20. Tari Pradnya

Tari! I love her so much! Same like asti, she's one of JABBE [ON]!
21. Maythalia Joni

Our JABBE [ON] member :D she's very small :O haha peace!
22. Meilin Eka Khotimah

Khoti!!!! look her hair, so freak ._.
23. Nanda Ristiani

Her face very plain :|
24. Nareswara Wiadnyana

Awik! he's very mature, sometimes he looks like very older than his old.
He was born on 1996!
25. Made Pradnya Wiraditha
Ade. My friend bench :D
26. Satya Ananda

She's very creative :O
27. Raka Novandra

Called Andra. Very plain :| but gone wild because of 9D hahaha (*evil laughing)
28. Rama Widarmana

Rama. My big bro!!
29. Rio Indranata

Very small boy .___.
30. Teguh Paramartha

He's very nasty with his besties, Dede -__-
31. Vita Febrya

Our leader class!
32. Desak Made Wahyu

We were a 'dancing couple' :DD Balinese Dance of course wkwk
33. Yosoa Pranaditya

His skill of playing guitar is very cool!
34. Glenda Avenia
She's very beautiful :D often called 'ndos' , 'endos' , 'glendos' , or 'glenda' :D
35. Pande Sutanegara
Our 'victim jokes' hahaha (*evil laughing again)
36. Ariyuda Pratama

Pak Kamasan's son :D He always easy got mad :O
37. Pasek Bhajraskara

Called Dede, Teguh's besties, very nasty -__- bzzz
38. Krisna Ryana

Some people said Krisna handsome, but....... people lying :D peace krisnaa!!
39. Bhian Titus

Bhian, new class member, very funny boy, sometimes.....'tengal'
40. Christy Marintan

Mysterious girl :|They are my classmate, i love you guys, although sometimes we got mad, we feel bored with each other, etc. Many moment we past together, 3 years together.
Remember with our cupboard's door?

Remember when studytour?

Remember when our class became a nasty place? :p
Remember when we 'manggang' at Kadek Adi's house?

Remember when 'Pagelaran'?

Remember all of our memories?
Although now we aren't together, I will always love, and remember you guys. I LOVE 9D ♥