thanks all :D
June 16th 2011, my beloved boyfriend's birthday.
Gandhi Bayudewa :D
Happy Sweet 17th my captain!!! Best wishes ;) ILY!
In this day, I already have a plan, a surprise for my captain. And I ask my boyfriend's besties to help me. But they can't, ok at last I think no hope. This day will broke, and nothing special.
And then, I ask my boyfriend's friends to help me. And they can! They give me back my spirit!
With all my friends support, and help of course I prepare this day.
June 16th morning I go to bakery with my friends to buy some cake, tart cake.
After we arrived again at school, I ask my boyfriend's friends, one for 'pick up' my captain, and another for give a surprise with egg and flour.
And...... my boyfriend come!!!! VOILA!
My surprise success! Disgusting smell -___-" but fun!
My boyfriend look very shock :p I'm sorry because I was lie wkwk
Oh I can't explain that situation! Very fun, and so sweet hihihi
Evening, in Trisnu's house, me and all my X1 have a party. But I must go, I have a dinner with my captain and all his family and friends! Damn!!! It was very make me "grogi" and "galau" and all another feeling! But I have X1! They help to calm me down :')
And this day, I have special things and feeling :D
So bad, I didn't get gift's photos -___-
Big Thanks to my beloved X1 of course, Dwi Octavanny, Cempaka, Alivia, Trisnu, Nindya, my boyfriend's friends, and all.
ILY Gandhi Bayudewa :D